Christmas Fun Day

Join us for Housing Trust’s Christmas Family Fun Day. Tickets, lunch and refreshments are on us! Tickets are limited so please register your interest below, including the name and age of attendees. This invitation is only open to people who live in a Housing Trust property. If you would like to bring along other family members […]
Tim Bauer
Tim Bauer Tim Bauer is the original nosey guy, and photography gave him the excuse he greatly desired, to open every door and take a good look inside. Tim began his career at the Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper as a Cadet Press Photographer in 1978 where he worked in the darkroom , helping all the […]

Jo’s Story Never imagining that escaping an abusive relationship would result in Jo ever seeing herself facing homelessness. The reality was it did. She went from working for 30 years in a stable role at UOW to finding herself in a position where she and her daughter may possibly have to live in her car. […]
Marg’s Story “My name is Marg and I grew up in social housing.” Marg feels privileged to work at Housing Trust and has been employed as the Compliance Manager for the past five years. Marg grew up in social housing and is proud of her background. Marg’s parents were successful in a succession of tenancy […]
Stephanie’s Story Stephanie moved to Australia from the Philippines when she was just two years old with her mum. Her family then grew, and she has become the second eldest of six children. Stephanie is very responsible, motivated, and trustworthy. She believes that growing up with many responsibilities has helped her to be resilient and cope even […]

Colin’s Story Colin and his wife have been Housing Trust tenants for 12.5 years. Born in Moss Vale, Colin spent his teenage years working at his brother’s sheep station where he learnt to drive. Colin joined the regular army at 17 and moved to Corrimal where he met his now wife. Colin has been married […]
Sharne’s Story Sharne has been a tenant of Housing Trust for almost 5 years. Sharne loves her beautiful garden, where she proudly taught herself how to grow her own veggies.

Valkyrie’s Story Valkyrie Luna Browne was born Andrew Henderson. Raised in abject poverty with unstable housing, Val moved over 50 times in the first 23 years of her life. Now, thanks to the community housing sector, she has a comfortable home and has been able to focus on the important things in life. Stable employment, […]

Tanya’s Story Tanya has been with Housing Trust for 17 years. She is the longest serving staff member. Tanya is well known by tenants as the warm and friendly face of Housing Trust Reception Team, which falls under our Customer Service & Support Team. Tanya has worked at three different offices across her time at […]

Elliot’s Story Elliot enjoys helping others, following the football “go the Dragons & Sharkies, because I came from the Sutherland Shire”. He also enjoys watching movies and TV shows, listening to the radio, going to church, day programs, Outsider Art Group, volunteering, cooking BBQ’s, walking and talking to people. Elliot has lived in Corrimal for […]

Bob’s Story Bob spent two years sleeping rough riding the train of a night between central and Kiama. After two rough years Bob found secure housing through Together Home, a program dedicated to providing people sleeping rough with long term housing solutions, as well as wrap around support and services. “I feel very safe. I […]

Val’s Story After Val’s family bible was washed away in the 1978 Windsor floods, she believes her family is at least third generation Aussies, with a pinch of Irish in there somewhere. Twice married, then wised up, Val has been single for thirty years and has never had children of her own, preferring to love […]