Housing Trust in partnership with the Steelworks is hosting a free industry tour on Tuesday 18th October at 9:00am. This is an opportunity to see inside one of the Illawarra largest employers.
The Steelwork tours begin at the Visitor Centre, where participants will be kitted up with safety gear. On board a mini bus, participants will enter through the BlueScope Steel Northgate. The tour will showcase giant buildings, huge stockpiles of raw materials, monster machinery, torpedo ladles, molten iron and the blast furnace. The tour goes past the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking plant where participants will have the opportunity to climb to the furnace floor to watch the steel production. Participants will then walk the high steel gantries and the Continuous Slab Caster where they pour molten steel into casting machines. Then on to the Hot Strip Mill, where coils are made.
The tour lasts 2.5 -3 hours and may alter to meet processing requirements. Spaces are limited so book below now.
Important Information and Terms and Conditions
- You must be a Housing Trust tenant and be a minimum age of 10 years
- Photography is not permitted whilst inside the Steelworks
- Due to staircase access, the tour may not be suitable for people with mobility problems.
- Smoking and the carrying of cigarette lighters is not permitted
- Visitors with a heart pacemaker device may be restricted from certain areas
- Tenants must be capable of climbing 300-400 stairs and approximately 2.5km of walking
- Comfortable non slip fully enclosed footwear, long socks, and full length pants without holes are required, along with wearing a mask on the coach
- PPE will be provided at the venue
- Participants must be at the Visitor Centre at the BlueScope Steel Northgate Entrance, Springhill Road, Coniston by 9:15am on Tuesday 18th October
- Please bring a bottle of water and morning tea
- For a map of how to get to the visitor centre and to see more information go to https://www.bluescopeillawarra.com.au/about-us/tours/
- If you have to cancel you must give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice so your place can be allocated to someone else
This is an opportunity to see up close what happens in the Steel City. Information on employment opportunities will be distributed after the tour to those interested in a career at the Steelworks.
Application Form