Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing meets the needs of households on a very low to moderate income. Rent is priced at a discount to market rates so households can also meet other basic living costs such as food, clothing, transport, medical care and education.

Affordable Housing is designed to address the gap in the market between Social Housing and the private housing market. Affordable Housing has a different eligibility criteria to Social Housing.

Am I Eligible?

To check if you are eligible for Affordable Housing please use our simple online calculator.

Click here for more information on the NSW Affordable Housing Guidelines.

Some Affordable Housing properties are a part of the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS). There may be different eligibility for properties under NRAS. More information can be found on the Department of Social Security Website.

Applying for Affordable Housing?

Housing Trust does not keep a waiting list for Affordable Housing. Applications are only accepted when there is an upcoming vacancy.

Current Vacancies
Housing Trust has no current vacancies.

What happens next?

After we receive your application for Affordable Housing, we will assess and contact you to let you know whether you have been successful and inform you of the next steps. 

Where can I get more information about Affordable Housing?

Please read our Affordable Housing Policy.

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Need help?

If you have any questions, get in touch with the Housing Trust team today.

We’re available at 02 4254 1166 or