Forum Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur mollis nibh, at pretium libero hendrerit et. Phasellus dictum lacus justo, at dignissim elit ultricies ac. Donec tristique, dui sit amet blandit dapibus, nibh diam lobortis eros, id aliquet tortor arcu eu tortor. Nulla et consequat tortor. Morbi vel libero vel sapien blandit sollicitudin a […]
Housing Trust News

Issue 20 | December 2021
Affordable Rental Forum

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Byamee Street, Dapto

Northsea, Wollongong

Correa Gardens, Corrimal

Completed 2021
Update on Repairs and Maintenance

Following the recent updates to public health orders in NSW Housing Trust has implemented changes to its maintenance service to limit potential exposure and spread of COVID-19. From Sunday 18 July Housing Trust will only be permitted to carry out urgent repairs in accordance with the revised public health orders. These repairs are defined under […]
Housing Trust Golf Day Huge Success

Wollongong Golf Club provided a stunning backdrop for the inaugural Housing Trust Golf Day. The event raised funds for the Tylah West Education Scholarships to support Housing Trust tenants with the costs of education or entering employment. The successful event saw 120 golfers take the field with $22,600 raised from sponsorships, raffles, auctions and donations. […]
Facelift for Social Housing, Illawarra Mercury

Kiama Downs resident Peter Gray says it is a big…
Important information for Housing Trust tenants

Housing Trust will from today implement working from home arrangements for our staff to limit potential exposure and spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Even though our office will be closed from 19/03/2020 we will still be available by phone on 4254 1166 and email for all tenant enquiries. Our hours of operation will remain to be […]
Housing Trust News

Issue 19 | Autumn 2021
Willinga Road, Flinders

Completed 2020