Tyrone's Story

Tyrone has been living in a brand new Housing Trust property since December 2021. As the eldest of four siblings, he has always taken on responsibility roles within the family. He recognises the difficulties his mother experiences as a single parent, helping wherever possible while still being able to achieve his own goals in furthering his education. They are a tight and supportive family.

Tyrone’s family faced housing instability for six months in 2021 when their long-term rental home was sold and they were hit hard by the current housing crisis. Due to the overwhelming demand for rentals, prices in the Illawarra increased dramatically. Tyrone believes there was stigma and bias evident during the application process for private rentals with automatic denial or rejection emails sent in response to any applications made by his family.

Ten days from owner exchange of their previous rental property, three weeks before Christmas and after 40+ rental application rejections, Tyrone’s family received a phone call from Housing Trust. They had been allocated a property. The sense of relief that Tyrone’s family felt was akin to winning the lottery. 

Tyrone at the time was in his first year at the University of Wollongong studying a Pre-Medicine, Science and Health undergraduate degree, majoring in Biomedical Research. Tyrone has wanted to be a doctor from the age of 12 and is working hard in his third year to reach his goal of being eligible and accepted into a Doctor of Medicine Degree in 2024. 

Tyrone received a Tylah West Scholarship from Housing Trust in 2023 which enabled him to purchase a laptop, textbooks and other course related items that will see him through until the end of his degree and hopefully in further studies.

“Finding a stable place to call home, and obtaining a scholarship has felt like such an enormous weight has been lifted off my mine and mum’s shoulders. We are forever grateful and know we are very fortunate to have the support and encouragement that we have received. I wish everyone in our position was as lucky.”