Jenna's Story

“I never missed out.

“Some people see Social Housing as an ‘easy option’ or ‘people that should get a job’. When I hear these comments, I really feel the stigma for Social Housing needs to end. My dad was and still is a hardworking man, from 7am till 4pm everyday he went off to work to provide for his family.  My parents made the choice for my mum to not return to work after she had my brother as day-cares were short and help was even shorter. For mum to return to work, it would have meant her wage would have been sent straight to the school to cover the fees (much like today’s parents). Then five years later, along came me.

“Did Social Housing allow my parents to bring my brother and I up the way that we did? Absolutely. The tiny wage my dad brought home stretched as far as it could (I still don’t understand how). We were clothed, we were fed, we went on holidays, we never wanted for anything and most of all had a safe and secure bed to sleep in every night. Our parents may have missed out on luxury items, but being a parent myself, I know they would have thrived by seeing mine and my brother’s faces of pure joy, knowing they were able to give us the upbringing we had. And man, it was a great one. I appreciate them and Social Housing for the chance to be brought up just like every other kid.

“Twenty plus years later and I’m using the stepping stones I had growing up. Together with my husband – an incredible man, who also grew up in Social Housing, he had the same ambitions I did to own property – we are able to live a life our parents always dreamed of and for that I am forever grateful.”